Symfony + API Platform + CQRS (Part 1)

I had to create an API REST for my client. Nothing could be simpler with API Platform and Symfony. For this project the stack is as follows:  Symfony 3.4 API Platform 2.1 Doctrine 2 Everything is managed with Docker. Here is an example of my docker-compose The following example is based on a simple resource… Read More Symfony + API Platform + CQRS (Part 1)

Symfony2: Facebook Connect with HWIOAuthBundle and SonataAdminBundle

I have a project with SonataAdminBundle for admin side and FosUserBundle for user management. I override user management part in act to customize user entity, user login form ecc. In my case override files are in src/Application/UserBundle.  I had some difficulties to set properly HWIOAuthBundle, so i wrote what i did, and I hope it can help… Read More Symfony2: Facebook Connect with HWIOAuthBundle and SonataAdminBundle

Test double with webservices, Symfony and PHPUnit

Often, applications that i have developed was interfaced with external web services. Sometimes the services that my application would have to consume were themselves under development. Other times did not respond as they should have. What to do in these cases? Wait for the resolution of problems or the conclusion of the development of the API’s could… Read More Test double with webservices, Symfony and PHPUnit

Symfony and Monolog, how use Processor in your project: a practical example

We often have to use different micro-services who write in many log files. Use utilities like Kibana is a good thing, but in order to take full advantage of its features we have to try to standardize and normalize the logs. The company where I work having introduced Kibana recently, he asked me to implement… Read More Symfony and Monolog, how use Processor in your project: a practical example

Mutation Testing – Comment évaluer la qualité de ses tests unitaires

De tous les outils de l’amélioration continue pour veiller à une bonne qualité de code, l’un des plus populaires, des plus simples (et probablement mon préféré) est l’utilisation des tests automatisés (unitaires et autre). Or, il ne suffit pas d’écrire des tests unitaires. Ceux-ci doivent aussi se révéler efficaces. Le TDD (Test Driven Development) ou… Read More Mutation Testing – Comment évaluer la qualité de ses tests unitaires

Circuit breaker pattern – Comment fiabiliser nos microservices

Aujourd’hui les architectures micro-services sont de plus en plus répandues. Mais quels sont les moyens de contrôler votre nouveau système d’information ? Mettons fin au mystère dès maintenant, le circuit-breaker, c’est le disjoncteur de votre architecture micro-services. Mais comment cela fonctionne et pourquoi en aurions-nous besoin ? Voila une suite d’articles intéressants en français concernant le… Read More Circuit breaker pattern – Comment fiabiliser nos microservices